A study from Rush University Medical Center shows what you eat—and avoid—can drastically cut your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Participants who strictly followed the “MIND Diet” (a combo of Mediterranean and DASH diets) slashed their risk by 53%; even those who followed it loosely lowered it by 35%. Here, the top foods to include and cut back on.
Green leafy vegetables: 1 cup daily
Other vegetables: 1⁄2 cup daily
Nuts: 1/8 cup as a daily snack
Berries: (strawberries and blueberries): At least two 1⁄2-cup servings a week Beans: At least one 1⁄2-cup serving, 3–4 times a week
Whole grains: Three servings daily (1 serving = 1 slice of bread, or 3⁄4 cup cooked pasta)
Fish: At least one 3-oz serving per week (not shellfish or fried)
Poultry: At least two 3-oz skinless servings per week (not fried)
Olive oil: Use as your primary oil
Wine: One 5-oz glass daily
Red meat: Less than four 3-oz servings per week; Butter and margarine: No more than 1 tbsp daily; Cheese: Less than one serving per week
Sweets: Less than five servings per week
Fried and fast food: Less than one serving per week