A study from Rush University Medical Center shows what you eat—and avoid—can drastically cut your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Participants who strictly followed the “MIND Diet” (a combo of Mediter­ranean and DASH diets) slashed their risk by 53%; even those who followed it loosely lowered it by 35%. Here, the top foods to include and cut back on.


Green leafy vegetables: 1 cup daily
Other vegetables: 1⁄2 cup daily
Nuts: 1/8 cup as a daily snack
Berries: (strawberries and blueberries): At least two 1⁄2-cup servings a week Beans: At least one 1⁄2-cup serving, 3–4 times a week
Whole grains: Three servings daily (1 serving = 1 slice of bread, or 3⁄4 cup cooked pasta)
Fish: At least one 3-oz serving per week (not shellfish or fried)
Poultry: At least two 3-oz skinless servings per week (not fried)
Olive oil: Use as your primary oil
Wine: One 5-oz glass daily


Red meat: Less than four 3-oz servings per week; Butter and margarine: No more than 1 tbsp daily; Cheese: Less than one serving per week
Sweets: Less than five servings per week
Fried and fast food: Less than one serving per week