Sometimes it’s tough to go to the gym.. Your energy and time starts to drain and the excuses can really pile up. As it turns out, there’s actually some merit to it — some realities of gym life are just downright awful. Here is a list of 18 things you should watch out for in the gym, and how you can avoid them.
Yes, Planet Fitness., we’re talking to you. Every gym has “lunks,” meatheads who slam the weight, grunt, and make themselves look silly.
It can be extremely intimidating to be in close proximity with a lunk — it’s also really distracting and annoying to hear an alarm go off..
It’s funny to watch awkward gym pickup attempts…until it happens to you. This is a more of a problem for women, but men beware, it goes both ways.
This is an interesting one. Klebsiella is a bacteria that’s usually found in human intestines and stool — but can quickly spread in gyms. It results in a variety of infections such as urinary tract infections and pneumonia.
The only thing you can do is take precautionary measures such as wiping down machines and washing your hands.
On a Monday night, the chest area of the gym can look like a scene out of Black Friday.
The one thing that I dread more than anything else is working out when the gym is at its busiest. Aside from it being a total liability risk, you just cant seem to get the proper workout done.
I have seen people hit each other with barbells and dumbbells, walk into people using cables and even fight over machines. If your schedule allows it, try to train during off-peak hours.
If you have no choice but to train with the crowds, then I would recommend getting a good pair of headphones and trying to zone out while still being aware of what’s going on around you.
Fear (or fear for) the “cardio bangers,” the people that insist on running and pounding on the treadmill as fast and as hard as possible.
These people can be heard from across the gym, usually with headphones on singing and pounding away on the treadmill The “cardio banger’s” distant cousin, the “weight banger,” won’t be too far behind. The “weight bangers” are the people who just slam every piece of machine, dumbbell, or barbell around them. From warm up sets to max effort sets, these guys and girls just slam everything.
While it may sound like a joke, these people can cause a huge distraction for you and can cause you to get hurt. I have been startled many times by people who slam everything down around them.
Are you buying protein shakes at your gym? We fear for your wallet.
You’re looking at almost $2 per scoop of protein, not including anything else you may want in your shake!
Let’s not even talk about Gatorade; buy that after every session and you’ll need a small loan. Trust us, there are plenty of effective ways you can train on the cheap.
You know exactly who I’m talking about: those people who insist on stretching directly in front of the mirror where you happen to be.
The stretchers always want more and more room, too. They act as if the gym is all theirs and they take up as much space as they can.
Fear the stretching crowd because they can and will either bump, trip, or generally get in your way — every time
I happen to think this is the most disgusting thing in the gym.
Walking over to a machine. or bench you’re about to use and noticing a huge sweat stain is absolutely gross. These stains can be found on any gym apparatus and the scary thing is that you may leave them around as well.
Please take the time out to wipe down each machine or bench after use.
It seems that nowadays everyone is part of some strange fitness clan. After every one of their social media posts, you’ll see a weird hashtag #somethingsomethingfitness.
Camaraderie in bodybuilding began with Arnold’s crew in the 70s. The difference was those guys helped each other out. Now it seems that everyone is comparing themselves to each other and conforming to the same rigid training principles.
The gym should be a place where you can experiment and find out what works for you.